Hobby Musings: Breaking Pieces of the Past Monthly – As part of their subscription offerings, Super Break’s Pieces of the Past Monthly product recently came out for a fresh edition. Each box contains 10 or more relic cards offering pieces of items ranging from stamps to gold coins. The checklist subjects also include a wide variety of presidents, historical figures and notable athletes.
The impressive variety was on full display in the six-box case that was provided by Super Break for review. Each box carries two packed envelopes. One is a white pack that includes a case of several relic cards of historical greats. It features presidents and historical luminaries like Henry Ford. The majority of the relic pieces came from newspaper clippings related to the figure on the card. In addition to these, the white pack also had another separate card that featured a more special item like the dual relic presidential cards I pulled.
The bigger excitement comes in the gold pack. It houses the more premium items. Among my six boxes, I pulled two cut autograph cards. Featuring former Yankees pitcher Joe Demaestri and NBA great Robert Horry. Both cards were numbered 1/1. I also pulled some great 1/1 sports relic cards featuring Frank Thomas and Wilt Chamberlain. The Thomas featured a jumbo piece of game-used bat relic from 1991. The Chamberlain was especially cool as it contained a large piece of game-used floor from The Forum.
The variety of the checklist and relic pieces is a big part of what makes this an intriguing product to bust. Whether it’s stamp relics like the Davy Crockett card I pulled or the presidential cards featuring silver coins, I couldn’t help but be fascinated by what I was uncovering. Of particular note was the three-card Civil War set. Each card had a piece of document relic from the Civil War (1861-1865) era on it.
In time for the holiday, the company has also produced a Pieces product centered around Memorial Day. Honoring various historical figures who served our country, each box comes with 3-6 relic pieces. My own review box ended up delivering five relic cards and one jumbo relic piece. All six items were numbered 1/1. My jumbo item featured a stamp of President George H.W. Bush along with an over-sized relic swatch of a military service jacket relic.
The other cards featured combat jacket relics and other service jacket relics. One of the other cards featuring Teddy Roosevelt and George Washington Goethals featured a piece of 1904 Osage Trust & Diminished Reserve Lands Grant document. The Ronald Reagan card I pulled also had a rather large piece of relic on it. All in all, if you’re a fan of military history and like to collect its memorabilia, you may want to give these a try.
Overall, these just have a lot of cool, and admittedly quirkiness, factor to them. Even my wife who isn’t a trading card person enjoyed seeing the cards and was amazed by some of relic pieces on them. There really is no telling just what you’ll pull in your box, which is a good and fun thing for a product like this. For more on Pieces of the Past Monthly, I had a chance to catch up with Super Break’s Scott Allen via email.
Hobby Musings: Breaking Pieces of the Past Monthly – Interview
KS: Scott, for this latest edition of Pieces Monthly, did you have any major priorities when putting together the subjects?
SA: Our goal was to pay tribute to those who have served our country and protected our way of life, as well as highlight some celebrities who had spent time in the service. We feel we have honored them well and delivered value to our growing collector base.
KS: A big thing I noticed when opening the boxes was the variety of cards and subjects. How did you go about deciding who and what to include?
SA: This collectible line is also an educational one. With many kids at home with their parents because of the current environment, these Pieces of the Past lead to lessons and conversations that are positive for kids’ growth. Parents and kids are opening our Monthly boxes together. Some grandparents are drop shipping to their families as a reward for home school success .We have received numerous emails from families thanking us for this. I spend time with my own kids and our Pieces cards.
KS: Do you have any particular favorite cards that got inserted in these?
SA: The cards that we created of General George Washington, General George Patton, President Lincoln and Clint Eastwood were some of our favorites to create. It was very fun this month creating The Pieces Monthly Boxes, Golden Packs and Memorial Day packs in which some collectors are receiving all 3 with 1 purchase on SuperPiecesMonthly.com
KS: A number of the cards have gold or silver coins. As someone who buys a lot of stuff for your products, how does tracking down coins compare and contrast with getting cards?
SA: Collectors love the silver and gold content on our collectible cards, and collectors are finding value in these 1/1s in today’s market more than ever before. We work with one specific coin expert who has 60 years experience in buying and selling authentic coins in order to produce our Pieces, as opposed to cards where we source from many sources.
KS: If you could make a pitch to someone who was on the fence about getting Pieces of the Past Monthly, what would it be?
SA: If you are a fan of history, education or creativity, you will have a blast opening up our boxes each month. If you are solely looking for value, the resale value of our box content exceeds the cost time and time again.
KS: What other products do you have coming out on the market in the near future?
SA: June 1- 2020 Super Break 12/15 Football Edition Mid-June- 2020 Super Break 23/24 series 2 Basketball Edition June Pieces Monthly Edition Late June – 2020 Super Break 2/24 Baseball Edition We are looking to impress with each of these releases, having spent a tremendous amount of dollars and time on content & development. The collector base deserves our best every day, and that is what we offer! Currently we have our crew working on Pieces, Football, Basketball and Baseball, as well as filling redemptions. We love what we do and will continue to serve our community with value and positivity every day.
Hobby Musings: Breaking Pieces of the Past Monthly – Image Gallery
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