Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards – Tanner Jones (@tanmanbbfan on X) has turned making custom trading cards for any occasion into an art form. Beyond his stunning creations, he’s also known for his own collecting endeavors, namely around Jose Canseco. I had the chance to catch up with him to find out how he got his start.

KS: We’ll start with this. How did you get into creating custom cards?
Years ago, I was bummed that Topps wasn’t making Jose Canseco cards anymore. I thought it’d be cool to have Jose featured in some of the flagship sets he wasn’t a part of and thought it would be fun to do one of him as a Yankee in 2013 Topps. From there, I kept wondering “what if I could take this further?” I started having a blast and kept making them for my own collection. Eventually, others started asking if I could do some for them as well.

Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards

KS: Can you walk us through the process from start to finish?
Sure! I find out what the customer may want, design based upon what relic they may send, or subject they want me to do, submit for approval, and produce!

KS: How long does it typically take you to create one?
It can vary wildly. I’ve had some I can knock out in a couple hours, and others that will take several days! I’ve done simple cards created to be signed, all the way up to 9 panel booklets with dozens and dozens of relics in them.

KS: You’ve created so many amazing cards. Do you have a favorite that you’ve done?
I’d have to go with the Mystery Cabinet – it is the wildest custom you’ll ever see.  I created a page describing it all, along with tons of pictures. TLDR the last pic shows everything that is compacted into one big cabinet card! There is also a short video of the Mystery Cabinet as well.

KS: What is the biggest challenge you feel you face overall in creating these?
If I’m being honest, I can’t really think of any!

KS: What would you say is the most challenging card you’ve created?
The Mystery Cabinet, and it isn’t even close! For the sake of diversity in this interview, I’ll throw another one out there, though, the 72-relic, 9-panel Psych booklet.

Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards  KS: Do you have a dream subject/card you would like to make?
I collect Canseco, so my mind is FILLED with custom cards I have made, or would like to make, of his.

KS: Is there anything you won’t make?
I stay away from doing cards of evil people for the most part, as well as too racy of cards as well. My stuff is typically going to be G or PG rated.

Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards KS: You’re a collector yourself. What are you up to with your collection nowadays?
I collect a lot of stuff, rather, I have collections of a lot of stuff. From Transformers to comics to MUSCLE figures. In the baseball card realm, it is all about Jose Canseco for me. I collect rare stuff of his. If anyone out there has anything, hit me up! That is what I’m most passionate about. I also have a nice little vintage collection that I adore as well.

KS: If anyone wanted more information on how to get a custom card made, what would be the best way to do so?
Email! tanmanbaseballfan@gmail.com.

Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards – More Resources


Kelsey’s ability to bring hobby coverage to the mainstream sports fan has been a true asset. GTS is happy to feature his thoughts on collecting in Hobby Musings. The opinions expressed are his and do not necessarily reflect those of GTS Distribution.
Kelsey Schroyer
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