KS: We’ll start with this. How did you get into creating custom cards?
TJ: Years ago, I was bummed that Topps wasn’t making Jose Canseco cards anymore. I thought it’d be cool to have Jose featured in some of the flagship sets he wasn’t a part of and thought it would be fun to do one of him as a Yankee in 2013 Topps. From there, I kept wondering “what if I could take this further?” I started having a blast and kept making them for my own collection. Eventually, others started asking if I could do some for them as well.
KS: Can you walk us through the process from start to finish?
TJ: Sure! I find out what the customer may want, design based upon what relic they may send, or subject they want me to do, submit for approval, and produce!
KS: How long does it typically take you to create one?
TJ: It can vary wildly. I’ve had some I can knock out in a couple hours, and others that will take several days! I’ve done simple cards created to be signed, all the way up to 9 panel booklets with dozens and dozens of relics in them.
KS: You’ve created so many amazing cards. Do you have a favorite that you’ve done?
TJ: I’d have to go with the Mystery Cabinet – it is the wildest custom you’ll ever see. I created a page describing it all, along with tons of pictures. TLDR the last pic shows everything that is compacted into one big cabinet card! There is also a short video of the Mystery Cabinet as well.
KS: What is the biggest challenge you feel you face overall in creating these?
TJ: If I’m being honest, I can’t really think of any!
KS: What would you say is the most challenging card you’ve created?
TJ: The Mystery Cabinet, and it isn’t even close! For the sake of diversity in this interview, I’ll throw another one out there, though, the 72-relic, 9-panel Psych booklet.
TJ: I collect Canseco, so my mind is FILLED with custom cards I have made, or would like to make, of his.
KS: Is there anything you won’t make?
TJ: I stay away from doing cards of evil people for the most part, as well as too racy of cards as well. My stuff is typically going to be G or PG rated.
TJ: I collect a lot of stuff, rather, I have collections of a lot of stuff. From Transformers to comics to MUSCLE figures. In the baseball card realm, it is all about Jose Canseco for me. I collect rare stuff of his. If anyone out there has anything, hit me up! That is what I’m most passionate about. I also have a nice little vintage collection that I adore as well.
KS: If anyone wanted more information on how to get a custom card made, what would be the best way to do so?
TJ: Email! tanmanbaseballfan@gmail.com.
Hobby Musings: Tanner Jones Custom Cards – More Resources
Kelsey’s ability to bring hobby coverage to the mainstream sports fan has been a true asset. GTS is happy to feature his thoughts on collecting in Hobby Musings. The opinions expressed are his and do not necessarily reflect those of GTS Distribution.
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